Welcome to the Team painter's page, CSR-noss59000...


CSR-noss59000, is much more than our painter. He is a magician and a driver for the team.

Author of incredible liveries, each more surprising than the last, they demonstrate his talent and art through his superb liveries. The livery of our cars is highly recognizable thanks to its magic. With each new delivery, we hold our breath. Each time, he manages to surprise us with his talent. Below are some examples of this art that he handles to perfection.

He also works to clothe us. He uses his art to make us outfits and helmets that leave us breathless. Which earned him this little nickname "Karl" for Karl Lagerfeld.

He is able to deliver original designs to the team when the events or championships are themed. We let you admire...

If you also want our magician to do a magic trick on a livery, contact him here. He will be happy to contact you.