The team organizes "the COBRA Sport Challenge".

Don't hesitate to come and challenge the drivers COBRA...

If you are a member of the Facebook group and you like the best lap time challenges offered by the "Sport World" in Gran Turismo 7, join us on the COBRA SPORT CHALLENGE.

To participate, simply leave us your PSN in a comment on the official post on our Facebook and if it has not yet been done, make a "friend request" to: PSN = Team-Manager-CSR.

How the challenge works and distribution of points

The distribution of points is carried out according to the number of drivers who have established a time.

If 10 drivers participate in an event, the first will be awarded 10 points and the last 1 point.

At the end of each event, your points will be accumulated to establish the general classification of the COBRA Sport Challenge.

The winner will be known at the end of the year and will be rewarded with the official team cap.

Please note that drivers who do not set a time on the combos offered by GT7 will be excluded from the CHALLENGE!


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 5

Round 6

Round 7